Glass furniture is more expressive, if located opposite to a window
Aesthetic properties of a glass (too as a natural glass) do not cause crystal of doubts is one of few materials which have spiritually changed persons. Cause doubts only our abilities skilfully to use an aesthetics of a glass and glass furniture in particular. We are not able To insert it(him) in an interior of dwelling. In one cases we are categorized as it(him) almost Favorably, arranging with its participation of a show-window with samples èííî-vodka production or utensils of every possible calibres and forms, in others neglect basic aesthetic property of a glass - to serve as clarifying background for an interior.
Place a photo, figure or book under glass, and they will start talking with you on new. Whether color stained-glass window is an ornament of a window? No. It(he) is an ornament of a wall, or furniture in which is Stained-glass window. Glass (glass furniture) is stiffened form of light, and light may not be an ornament - light may decorate only. Interiors in which glass furniture or glass elements - Easily is used and is more spacious.
Nevertheless surplus of a glass in one closed space may result in decrease(reduction) of its aesthetic influence. Feeling of a measure - main principle at use flown down in an interior of dwelling. Glass - a cold material, on associations - close to water, and in a room filled with glass cases, shelfs, tables, fixtures, vase, portraits under glass etc., limited besides big Windows and glass partitions of doors or screens, is possible to feel as not cosy, as in a boat in middle of a reservoir. Also heaps of a glass and glass furniture in a separate part of an interior aesthetically unsuccessfully look. It is bad, when on a locker or on a shelf crystal vase and hours in in case from an organic glass cost(stand); not Interestingly when on a glass coffee table there is a phone in case such as " under glass "; It is boring, when near to glazed door glazed reproduction of a picture hangs, and behind transparent glass of a shelf classical wine-glasses and wine glasses around of a decanter from crystal cost(stand). Do not expose on a review of a wine-glass and wine glasses, they should stand during meal on a table, instead of in "guard of honour" in a sideboard to which a place in a dining room or on kitchen - liqueur glasses on its glazed shelfs there are more pertinent. If other place for him(it) is not present, insert into him(it) figured. With put figure or colors glass - will look it(he) better, than with Highlighted glass interiors, what beautiful they would not be.
Glass and glass furniture should be in regular intervals interspersed in an interior of a room
Any glass furniture and product from a glass, be it a flat sheet (window. Door, furniture) or any subject (a vase, a decorative sphere or a cube, an ashtray etc.) to force should "play" to have a frame. Here it is meant a frame not only a direct frame as a framework (for mirrors, for example) or furniture (joiner's' elements, but also a background frame. Put a glass vase on a background of a window, and then on a background of a dark wall, or dark furniture, and you are convinced that frame is necessarily necessary for glass.
Except for a frame. In amplification(strengthening) of aesthetic properties of a glass and glass furniture plays a role illumination. Flown down only then will reveal completely when it is correctly covered. glass subject or glass furniture worth To insert Windows, sideways Windows and in depth of a room, on any other business shows form, color and invoice. sheet of an ordinary transparent glass in a window aperture practically is not perceived by us as a subject; same sheet fixed on four legs. It is perceived by us as a table-top. On other hand, a table with glass table-top, worth at a window, Looks it is perfect differently, rather than same table worth in depth of a room. Color of a glass as "sounds" on any other business on position of a glass subject to a light source. subject from colourless glass, taking place on one line between us and a light source, loses concreteness forms and on contrary - form and color of a product from color become more juicy if it is highlighted behind. perception(recognition) of glass furniture and products from a glass is more, than perception(recognition) of a product from any other material. It is connected by that we perceive an interior of a premise(room), Basically, on part of an entrance door. Therefore, if we want, that glass played an interior, instead of was silent supernumerary in it(him), we should take into account its uneasy mutual relation with light.
RULE: Glass furniture both glass products and subjects of a decor from a colourless glass should be placed far away from a window and from fixtures, and color glass products and Color glass furniture - are closer.
Glass - almost universal material on compatibility. It equally well is in harmony both with a tree, and with metal, and with a stone (and with their imitations, it it is natural), and with textiles, but under condition of. That will contrast with them. Openwork Carpet from a white fabric it will be pertinent under a vase from a color glass, and a crystal vase - on a background dark îáîåâ etc.